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Stockbrokers license, which gives the right to pursue privatization certificates, trade and open privatization certificates trading a bank account.
During the term of operation of a brokerage firm may buy and sell certificates: 1. on behalf of another person on its products or of public funds, the contract provided that these funds will be borne by the customer; 2. on my own behalf, for their own resources; 3. the certificate purchases and sales by public auction.
The licence shall be issued by the Ministry of Economy privatization certificates market, established by the licensing commission and brokerage firms.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    In order to obtain a licence, a capital company shall submit to the privatization certificates market intermediation companies a submission to the licensing commission. The submission and documents may also be submitted electronically if it signed with secure electronic signature and meet the requirements specified in regulatory enactments. The following information shall be indicated: 1) of a capital company, legal address and registration number; 2) goal - obtaining the licence; 3) the capital of a contact person name, surname, telephone number, fax number and electronic mail address; 4) Officials and the plenipotentiary of the capital of the given name, surname and personal identity number (s) empowered to deal with certificates on behalf of the capital company; 5) a list of documents attached. You can specify that a capital company in the submission of licence wishes to receive electronic documents in the form.
    The application shall be accompanied by: 1) documents certifying the relevant capital company officials and plenipotentiary of the rights of individuals to deal with certificates on behalf of the capital company; 2) of the capital market activities of the internal rules governing the certificate, which provides effective and enforceable, as entered into transactions with certificates, accounting procedures and obligations of responsible persons (the auction rules may be submitted separately); 3) last year of operation or half-yearly financial statements (balance); 4) contract with cash and securities account holder (copy) certifying that a capital company shall keep the amount of cash or securities issued by the European Union Member States of the nominal value of not less than 10 per cent of the authorised capital stock; 5) list of sites that will be carried out transactions with certificates and the relevant premises, rental or lending contract or property of the certificate of authority.
    The brokerage company shall pay the State fee (EUR 1138,3) prior to receipt of a licence with the payment service providers, who has the right to provide payment services Payment services and electronic money within the meaning of the Law.

  2. Receipt of services
    Receipt of services according to the application of choice.
    If a capital company requested a license in the form of electronic documents, privatization certificates market intermediation companies licensing commission the responsible secretary shall, within three days after payment of state fee shall be communicated to the electronic document to the capital in the form of a licence in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding circulation of electronic documents.

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