Projekts CAMS Platform: Priekšlikumi atvērtas energoauditu datu sistematizēšanas metodes ieviešanai Baltijas jūras reģiona valstīs

Within the framework of the project “CAMS Platform” co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Transnational Cooperation Program, proposals for policy recommendations for the implementation of an open energy audit data systematisation platform / method in the Baltic Sea region have been developed based on the Swedish partner pilot NEAD Platform (Nordic Energy Audit Data Platform).

The development of energy audits is generating a wealth of useful data that could potentially provide valuable information to many stakeholders, including policy makers, industry experts, building renovation project implementers, and more. Nevertheless, the analysis and systematisation of energy audit data is not fully used for data driven decision-making, and in most project partner countries data are not available in an aggregated form. A major challenge in the Baltic Sea Region is a common approach to the collection, categorization and ensuring availability of energy audit data.

Digitalisation offers the opportunity to increase energy efficiency and improve decision-making for both private and public stakeholders. The CAMS Platform project is testing a new methodology for systematizing energy audit data (SPEEED) and a data platform (NEAD). During the project, the SPEEED method and the NEAD platform were tested in five countries, carrying out 33 pilot audits of buildings from four NACE categories in 19 municipalities. The conclusions show an important nuance: the most frequently proposed energy efficiency improvement measure in the audits was the most economically disadvantageous measure in terms of energy and CO2 savings. More information and partners' conclusions and suggestions are available in the report “Accelerating the Pace of Energy Efficiency by Improved Energy Audit Data Handling”.

A more focused report that analyzes the tool tested in the project - the Nordic Energy Audit Data Platform for systematizing energy audit data has also been developed.The first part of the report provides a brief overview of each country's current audit practices and methods for recording and systematising energy audit data. The second part of the report focuses on the proposals in the context of the project partner countries (Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Poland, Russia) and at the level of the Baltic Sea Region. The proposals have been developed in four categories - political, economic, social and technical - based on the findings of project experts following testing of the NEAD platform, as well as discussions with industry experts, energy auditors and energy audit supervisors, and other stakeholders.

  • The report is available in English here.
  • The report is available in Latvian here.