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In promoting the improvement of construction design quality in the field of fire safety and designating a single responsible party for the development and compliance with fire safety requirements, the Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments to the evaluation of construction specialists' competence and independent practice supervision rules in their session on August 22 this year. These amendments introduce a new field of activity for construction specialists in the realm of fire safety - the Fire Safety Construction Specialist. Concurrently, the amendments specify the duties of competence assessment authorities and construction specialists, while also promoting the use of the state language among construction specialists according to their profession and position held.

The introduction of the Fire Safety Construction Specialist is intended to enhance building fire safety by ensuring that fire safety solutions have been defined and checked by a construction specialist competent in this particular field. This creates the opportunity to design and build more complex structures in terms of fire safety, while also reducing the number of cases where unresolved fire safety issues delay the handover of buildings for use. The amendments to the Cabinet regulations were prepared in fulfilment of the task set out in the informative report "On the fire safety supervision implemented by the State Fire and Rescue Service in the field of construction", assigning the Ministry of Economics to introduce a new field of activity for construction specialists in the realm of fire safety by December 1, 2023.

With the amendments to the Cabinet regulations, the duties of the fire safety construction specialist are defined - to develop building fire safety solutions and prepare a fire safety measures overview. The Fire Safety Construction Specialist will be responsible for all fire safety solutions in the construction project, defining them in the fire safety measures overview and during the development of the construction project, monitoring and checking the compliance of the requirements included in other parts of the construction project. Specifically, the Fire Safety Construction Specialist will define what fire safety requirements must be followed by developers of parts of the construction project and after their development, will check whether the defined fire safety requirements have been met.

A transition period has been set until December 31, 2026, for the preparation and initiation of the Fire Safety Construction Specialists in building design. Until this time, the existing procedure will remain - this function is performed by construction specialists in the field of architect practice and design, as specified in their certificate, who, according to regulatory regulation, develop fire safety solutions and overviews. After this deadline, in construction projects starting from January 1, 2027, only a fire safety construction specialist will be entitled to draft a fire safety measures overview in cases prescribed by regulatory acts.

Regarding the use of the state language, the draft regulation provides for the right of competence assessment institutions to suspend a construction practice certificate if a construction specialist's knowledge of the state language does not meet the requirements stipulated in the regulatory acts.

The regulation has also been clarified in relation to the requirements for data submission to competence assessment institutions, considering that currently all data on construction specialists is entered electronically in the Construction Information System (BIS), as well as specifying the minimum number of experts conducting construction specialist supervision and competence assessment.